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How am I feeling today?

feelingMy 13 year old daughter loves to pretend she is a preschool teacher to her younger sister and cousins. It definitely helps that she’s seen me teach and has helped out at our school! This summer, she is using our unfinished basement as her preschool area, complete with different learning centers and a daily schedule. The younger kids LOVE it, and I think she likes being in charge (sometimes I just have to make sure she’s not being too bossy!).

But today she was on the computer and made up a “How am I feeling?” worksheet for her “cozy corner”. I loved it, and thought I would share! I liked her choice of clipart, and felt that children would really be able to identify the feelings expressed (click to take a look).

How Am I Feeling? sheet (PDF)

Young children may sometimes have difficulty in identifying and expressing how they are feeling (particularly if they are sad, frustrated or angry). This worksheet, and others like it, can help a child express how they are feeling, or be used during a discussion on feelings and emotions. See if children can identify each of the feelings on the worksheet. Talk about times when they might have those feelings (ie. “I’m happy when my mom picks me up at the end of the day”, “I’m cozy when I sleep in my bed at night”, etc).

If you have a cozy corner or space in your classroom, you can use a clipboard and a couple of pencils or crayons along with a worksheet like this. When children want to have some time alone, they can go to the cozy space and color how they are feeling.

How else could you use this worksheet? What other types of things do you have in your “cozy space”?


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