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Using technology to communicate with families

Never to replace face-to-face communication between teachers and families – the technologies of today can be used to augment a teachers’ ability to share important information about the children in their care.

Send out newsletters, event notifications, registration reminders, weather related announcements, and weekly individual student updates via email.  This is a good way to add-to or replace more common paper communications (this is a wonderful way to communicate if your center is attempting to go “green”).

This can be a great tool for communicating upcoming events, weather related changes, enrollment openings, registration reminders, community events, etc.  Administrators can have control over privacy features, public or private, etc.

School Website:
School/Child care centers are using technology as another way to communicate with the families that they serve.  School/Center websites are wonderful way to provide parents a resource for basic information, and a place for new families to learn more about the program.

Web-based apps:
Online applications are becoming more common, and can provide efficient daily communication for families.  DailyChildcareReport is an app that allows teachers to quickly enter reports about the child’s day, make requests (more diapers, for instance), and even share photos with families.  This web-application uses a responsive design so that it can be accessed on big desktop screens, as well as on tiny mobile screens.